When you think exchange life can't get any better, that's when the world decides to prove you wrong. This week has been a holiday off school known as 'Sportlov' here in Sweden. I believe this is just a holiday so everyone has a bit of a break and can experience their favourite winter activities such as snowboarding, cross country skiing, or in my case, lots of sleepovers and the experience of a lifetime on an ice breaker!
Let's begin with the sleepovers. My first sleepover during sportlov was with Jaymie in Luleå which I spoke about during my last post. I returned home to Piteå on Tuesday, only to be off again for another sleepover Thursday night. This time we had a group of 6 lovely people, and we spent the night in a beautiful house next to the lake. I'm hoping I will get the chance to see that view again during the Summer because I'm sure it will be absolutely breath taking. We spent the evening outside by a fireside on seats cut out from the snow. You had to be careful not to make sudden harsh movements, or you might find your seat suddenly crumbling beneath you. This is the same for when your walking through masses of snow - prepare to sink down to your knees with every step you take. We also took a dip into an outdoor spa, shortly followed by a quick roll in the snow! When you return back into the water, it's like you can feel all your skin tingling from the sudden change of temperature. Another experience I can check off the to-do list!
I also did participate in a sport during sportlov! Probably not what you would expect though. I decided to test out swimming. My host dad organised a trip on an ice breaker for me which was absolutely fantastic! We had gorgeous weather for the trip as this large boat cut through the ice, crushing it into slices with ease. You could hear the constant cracking as the ice was forced to create a path, providing easy access for other ships carrying equipment to Piteå's factory.

While on this boat, we took a stop in the middle of the frozen lake, allowing the passengers to step off onto the frozen ground. Then, for those of us who were willing, we were allowed to take a dip into the water. On the boat were special outfits which had to be worn for this activitiy though. The bright orange suits covered the body literally from head to toe, and felt so heavy that I worried I might just sink as soon as I entered the water. Luckily for me, it somehow turned out to be a great floater. While in the water, they had also warned me that despite the fashionable swimsuit gloves provided with the suit, water often seeped through to the hands. I did experience this, and when I did get back out, they were bright red from the icy chill of the water! Don't worry though, a few minutes in the warmth and they were all good again.
This weekend has also been spent with Jaymie again, as it seemed like a good time to really show her Piteå after her great touring around her town. We also met up with one of my Swedish buddies, Marcus, who seemed to enjoy teaching us some strange Swedish tongue twisters. 'Farfar, får får får? Nej, får får inte får, får får lamm'. Yes, this does make sense in Swedish - I'm not jsut repeating random words. The meaning? 'Grandfather, do sheep have sheep? No, sheep don't have sheep, sheep have lambs.' Yes, this language is unusual sometimes. Jaymie and I have also had a great time catching up again with disney music marathons, junk food and nonstop talking. A typical sleepover.
I've been loving this week as it has been just so great to catch up with friends and experience some completely new activities. School is starting up again tomorrow, but I have some awesome plans coming up very soon which I can't wait to experience!

While on this boat, we took a stop in the middle of the frozen lake, allowing the passengers to step off onto the frozen ground. Then, for those of us who were willing, we were allowed to take a dip into the water. On the boat were special outfits which had to be worn for this activitiy though. The bright orange suits covered the body literally from head to toe, and felt so heavy that I worried I might just sink as soon as I entered the water. Luckily for me, it somehow turned out to be a great floater. While in the water, they had also warned me that despite the fashionable swimsuit gloves provided with the suit, water often seeped through to the hands. I did experience this, and when I did get back out, they were bright red from the icy chill of the water! Don't worry though, a few minutes in the warmth and they were all good again.
This weekend has also been spent with Jaymie again, as it seemed like a good time to really show her Piteå after her great touring around her town. We also met up with one of my Swedish buddies, Marcus, who seemed to enjoy teaching us some strange Swedish tongue twisters. 'Farfar, får får får? Nej, får får inte får, får får lamm'. Yes, this does make sense in Swedish - I'm not jsut repeating random words. The meaning? 'Grandfather, do sheep have sheep? No, sheep don't have sheep, sheep have lambs.' Yes, this language is unusual sometimes. Jaymie and I have also had a great time catching up again with disney music marathons, junk food and nonstop talking. A typical sleepover.

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