My holidays have come to an end now, and school is back. I am happily returning to classes, catching up some of the friends I haven't seen duringt he holidays and getting straight back into Swedish lessons which involved a grammar test...oh gosh. Anyway, I would like to quickly share with you what I had been up to in my last week of freedom!
Let's begin with Tuesday, which was spent with two lovely exchange students I had met at my school named Lavinia and Dora, and their Swedish friend Isabelle, who is the sweetest girl! We caught the bus up to Luleå and had a Thai buffet when we arrived. It cost about 80 crowns which was a super awesome price for a buffet, especially considering how great the food was! We then began our shopping spree, meeting up with Jaymie after she called me. We spent a couple of minutes talking via phone trying to figure out where each other were - yes, we still don't know our towns very well. Luckily Dora had the cutest and brightest blue jacket on, so we weren't too easy to miss! When we reached the afternoon, I returned to Piteå and went to 'Krokodil' with some of my friends. This place is like a really cool cafe which has live performers about twice a week. The whole place was packed that night, so it was quite a shuffle to fit everybody in, but we managed! Afterwards, Marcus, Johan, Victor and I spent the evening playing drums, attempted to learn tricks on a skateboard...apparently not my kinda sport...and of course, ate Ben and Jerrys. I think I'm addicted to it.
The following day didn't slow down as I had the day out with my host family at Kåbdolis! It was great to get another chance to go skiing during these holidays, as I'm not sure how much onger this snow will last. The day was gorgeous with crystal blue skies, however, a touch of wind caused a few dilemmas. Once we reached the top of the mountain, it was a fight against the wind to reach the decline - and I'm not exxagerating when I say the wind was literally strong enough to push us backwards. The poor snowboarders had to really struggle without poles to push them along! I still managed to have a few runs down the main slope with my host mum! I made sure to grab a few snaps and film some of the day as well, so now you can check out the adventures of that day on youtube by clicking HERE. Little Ebba also tagged along and had a wonderful time, although was rather tired by the end of it, falling asleep on the table at the after ski.
My last major day that I would like to mention would be my day trip with Tomas! He was an awesome tour guide again, creating the itinerary for the day and showing me all new places. First up was the Sami Museum located in Jokk Mokk. Here we discovered more about the Swedish culture and history. Each category was broken up into several rooms such asa agriculture, clothing and animals. There was also a really cool device within the museum which was a screen that almost completely surrounded you. Here it would feel like you were flying over Sweden, and it would take you to some of the beautiful destinations in the area, then show you some pictures of the place. It was really cool because it actually did create the sense of motion and like you were flying with the wind over everything. Tomas and I both found ourselves losing balance once or twice as our brains tried to acknowledge movement and keep us balanced despite the fact that we were standing completely still. He also took me to the famous tree hotel which is hidden up in forestlands and each hotel room has been uniquely designed. This included a spaceship, one designed like a birds nest and another with walls that were just completely mirrors, reflectingt he scenery arrounnd it and helping it to blend in with the forest. In a picture we took while there, the building simply seems to be an awkwardly photoshopped square of forestry!
As a rest stop we visited a retro bar which had tons of cute little decorations inside the cafe. Even the outside had some old fashioned cars to fit the setting. We had a nice fika with a drink and cake - and, the waiter even clear the table after you! Yes, this is unsual here in Sweden. After the break it was a drive back to Luleå for a stop off in a cathedral to hear Tomas play the organ, and finally the trip home. I'm so happy he organised all this for me, and I had an absolutely wonderful day seeing places I had not had the chance to experience yet, so thank you Tomas!
So now that is my update for this week! I had a lovely holiday and got to see even more of Northern Sweden. Now it's back to school where my ensemble class is getting ready for a concert which I'll make sure to tell you all about afterwards. Also looking forward to a rather busy weekend and getting a bike soon to make travelling around town quicker and easier!
Let's begin with Tuesday, which was spent with two lovely exchange students I had met at my school named Lavinia and Dora, and their Swedish friend Isabelle, who is the sweetest girl! We caught the bus up to Luleå and had a Thai buffet when we arrived. It cost about 80 crowns which was a super awesome price for a buffet, especially considering how great the food was! We then began our shopping spree, meeting up with Jaymie after she called me. We spent a couple of minutes talking via phone trying to figure out where each other were - yes, we still don't know our towns very well. Luckily Dora had the cutest and brightest blue jacket on, so we weren't too easy to miss! When we reached the afternoon, I returned to Piteå and went to 'Krokodil' with some of my friends. This place is like a really cool cafe which has live performers about twice a week. The whole place was packed that night, so it was quite a shuffle to fit everybody in, but we managed! Afterwards, Marcus, Johan, Victor and I spent the evening playing drums, attempted to learn tricks on a skateboard...apparently not my kinda sport...and of course, ate Ben and Jerrys. I think I'm addicted to it.
The following day didn't slow down as I had the day out with my host family at Kåbdolis! It was great to get another chance to go skiing during these holidays, as I'm not sure how much onger this snow will last. The day was gorgeous with crystal blue skies, however, a touch of wind caused a few dilemmas. Once we reached the top of the mountain, it was a fight against the wind to reach the decline - and I'm not exxagerating when I say the wind was literally strong enough to push us backwards. The poor snowboarders had to really struggle without poles to push them along! I still managed to have a few runs down the main slope with my host mum! I made sure to grab a few snaps and film some of the day as well, so now you can check out the adventures of that day on youtube by clicking HERE. Little Ebba also tagged along and had a wonderful time, although was rather tired by the end of it, falling asleep on the table at the after ski.
As a rest stop we visited a retro bar which had tons of cute little decorations inside the cafe. Even the outside had some old fashioned cars to fit the setting. We had a nice fika with a drink and cake - and, the waiter even clear the table after you! Yes, this is unsual here in Sweden. After the break it was a drive back to Luleå for a stop off in a cathedral to hear Tomas play the organ, and finally the trip home. I'm so happy he organised all this for me, and I had an absolutely wonderful day seeing places I had not had the chance to experience yet, so thank you Tomas!
So now that is my update for this week! I had a lovely holiday and got to see even more of Northern Sweden. Now it's back to school where my ensemble class is getting ready for a concert which I'll make sure to tell you all about afterwards. Also looking forward to a rather busy weekend and getting a bike soon to make travelling around town quicker and easier!
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