The countdown...

Countdown+ Event Reminders Lite - anyone have the app? Well, it has now become my new best friend. For those of you who do not own it, and cannot work out  its function from the very original app is a literal countdown for events. And as of today, I am 15 days away from my trip to Sverige! (a.k.a Sweden). Get excited ~ :D 

15 days to organise absolutely everything I might need for a whole year. Heck, I can't organise everything I might need for the following week...sometimes even day...but I'm going to do it anyway! Then there is the problem of one suitcase - apparently, you cannot bring your whole room overseas with you. So now, not only am I packing for a year, but I also have a limit of a 20kg suitcase and one piece of hand luggage. I brought that amount to school camps. They usually only last one week. 

Now, I'm sure you are all interested in my most recent shopping expedition which had a focus of finding warm clothes suitable for the chilly laplands. Unfortunately, it seems that Australia lacks in these outfits, particularly in the middle of Summer. So, this might be something I might be finding very quickly upon arrival. I have been shuffling through all my stuff, deciding what I need to bring over (phone - check!), and should be all set for the trip!

Of course it's not only materialistic things I need to think about before I leave. While it may be the first thing that people think about before travel, I would not consider it the most important. (Okay, passport might be pretty up there...but hey, you get what I mean, right?) Just the mental preparation for such a massive trip is vital to ensure an awesome time. I would say that is what my last rotary camp has given me. We spent a week out on sunshine safari recently, exploring the east coast of Australia. This includes high ropes, beach, rafting, bowling, playing the didgeridoo and a trip to the farm for a bit of an old fashioned experience. This meant no wifi - don't worry, we all survived. In fact, I think we all loved it! The camp also included many conversations about coping through various scenarios and past experiences of previous students so as to help us learn from others. I'm pretty sure I'll put a few of those tips to use :D

Now it's just 15 more days to go.


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