If you want to be guaranteed a holiday in the snow this month, I know where you should be - Pitea. In the past two days, there has been about 50cm of snow fall, and it just keeps coming! Walking to school this morning turned out to be a challenge as I left home and found my feet sinking into the ground as I waddled outside in my layers of clothing. The trick is to find a path already made by someone else's. This snow will have already been pushed down from their weight, making it a much more stable foothold than the road untravelled. Of course, I'm sure anyone who has lived in the snow before learnt this quite quickly. Does anyone else notice how loud it is when you walk? Or is that just me?

The new coverage of snow really does make this place a winter wonderland, and the weather has been really great! Warm, in fact...for a laplander. Usually between 0 and - 4 degrees celcius. Pitea also has these massive machines which travel around to clear the roads, leaving mountains of snow on the side of them. The Swedes also have a smart trick where icy ground (the slippiest of grounds) is covered by sand so as to create more grip for the shoes. Smart one guys!
Now, what would be the use of snow if you didn't have a snowball fight? Recently I have joined a beginner's Swedish class at school which will help me pick up the language quicker. The students are great, and always nice, although communication can be quite confusing, leading to some unintentional games of charades as we try to speak to each other through broken Swedish or whichever foreign language we learnt in our home town. On a walk outside, snowball fights were inevitable. Crazy fun! Running through the frozen air is actually the greatest feeling. Next time I'm remembering gloves though... snow isn't kind to the skin. Anyway, will update again soon :)
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